

Your Birthday - born 15th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 15th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 15th, May :
Ruled by Venus, people born on this day are deeply concerned with their surroundings. They yearn for wealth, lust for possessions and easily feel insecure. Both sexes like to wear their wealth on their sleeve, delight in designer clothes, jewels and costly watches. They are the magpies of the solar system, filling their nests with bright things, including other people's, when greed may push some of these individuals to commit minor crimes. They are the shoppers of the world, regarding each country they visit as a department store, in particular drawn to India, enjoying the sybaritic pleasures of Eastern perfumes, brilliant carpets and exquisite jewels. Some even marry, or start a business and settle down in their chosen foreign cave of treasures. When they do this, May 15 quickly learns the language and equally quickly make friends with the residents. They are not really subject to homesickness. Home to them is where the pleasures of the eye lies. Many are extremely generous with their money and often with their possessions. Where greed is not so much to the fore, they will come to the rescue of friends and relatives in need, throwing all their resources at the needy one, knowing that with their charm and wit they can soon lay hands on more of the same. Many marry for love, but must manage to combine this with espousing money and people born on this date often link up with much older people who have already had the time to acquire wordly possessions. Such liaisons are usually successful, because May 15 has a naive, childish streak which benefits from the experience of mature lovers, and indeed, in work situations you often find this individual attached to an older and wiser mentor. The friendship is always genuine as well as beneficial. They may not choose a mentor who isn't loaded, but this being so, the emotional attachment is heartfelt.
Body :

Zinc is vitally important to healthy sexual functioning. Experts say that a slightly lowered zinc status could mean a sperm count too low for reproduction and loss of libido in both sexes. In men the numbers of spermatozoa have been found to be related to the zinc content of the seminal fluid. Zinc is found naturally in fresh foods and as long as the diet is stocked with nuts, fruit and seafood, there is no need to worry. However as 2.5mg of zinc is lost in every ejaculation, a very sexually active man prone to exhaustion should consult a doctor about a zinc supplement.
Mind :

The trouble with things is that your interest in them suddenly palls and then you wonder what you can do with them, and often end up just giving them all away.

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